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who we are

 We Are


Collective is a new socio-political movement founded on social media. We are unaffiliated, bound together by love for country than by any particular interest. Any attempts to identify us with any partisan group or ideology will only be an exercise in futility. We suggest you abandon any such impressions. We represent the nameless, voiceless multitude you see in the above images who are tired of being told what to do by the ruling elite. Now is our time. Do not fuck with us.


We are simply taking back what you have stolen from us. You have denied us our due, deprived us of our future, corrupted our system. You took mainstream media into your pockets, duped us and forced us into submission. In the age of social media, where knowledge and information roam freely and move fast with lightning speed, we are discovering our voice. And we will be heard. Your delusions of unending power and entitlement are about to come to an end.


Power belongs to the people. And we have spoken. Rodrigo Duterte may not be perfect but we know his heart is in the right place. That is why we support him. That is why we fight for him. His failure is our defeat. His downfall our demise. We fought hard to get this rare chance to save our country from impending doom. Do not take us back to where we once were. We will not allow it.


Continue with your schemes and we will expose you. Undermine this country and we will bring this fight into your doorstep. The President said he'll give you a bloody nose. We will give you apocalypse and descend upon you like a plague. 


Try us.







I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For - Taps Mugadza
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