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A Bitch Called Karma

While the entire Bicol Region was being pummeled by Typhoon Niña (Category 4 Hurricane in Leni's hometown Naga), Vice-President Leni Robredo flew to the United States with her entire household - with some reports claiming she even brought her yayas (house help) in tow. Despite her alibi that the reason for her sudden and unannounced departure is a long-planned family reunion, there are persistent rumors that her U.S. trip could be anything but. Some say it's part of the grand conspiracy to oust the President, and that Leni is set to meet with fellow Bicolana and erstwhile billionaire financier Loida Nicolas-Lewis in New York. There may be no clear proof to bolster this suspicion, but it definitely won't hurt to stay on guard.

For whatever it's worth, I keep telling people why it is necessary for us to expose these alleged plots and counteract these machinations now while we still have the upper hand, and President Duterte is enjoying a wide net of popular support. Given that he has clearly antagonized and offended some quarters with his drastic reforms, there are not a few people who may relish the prospect of seeing him dead. Believe me, with the President gone, no matter what we do, things will never be the same.

Allow me to give you a quick lowdown of our sad state of affairs in case these fuckers do succeed:

The majority will be forced into submission and will be left with little choice but to accept the new ruling order. This is even more likely if the usurpers enjoy the backing of the U.S. We have to understand that what's happening here in our country is happening in the U.S. as well. Obama and his minions are doing everything they can to prevent Trump from entering the White House, so Obama mobilized the CIA to insinuate that Russia had something to do with Trump's win, and now they're targeting the Electoral College in a last ditch attempt to reverse the electors' consensus. Seems like a long shot but you can never underestimate a sitting President. As they say, it’s not over till the fat lady sings. And even if she does, things are not over still. Look what's happening here in the Philippines now. Talk about parallelisms.

Duterte has overwhelmingly won the vote yet the yellows still continue to undermine his government. I have come to realize that their motives now are mainly driven by the interest of self-preservation rather than the desire to perpetuate themselves in power. At the back of their minds, what happens next if Duterte is done with De Lima? Who's next? [Collective: Umbrella in a Shitstorm] The conflict has evolved from an elementary power struggle into a take-no-prisoner game of survival - a modern-day Game of Thrones. Politics here in the Philippines will always be a zero-sum game. It's binary - either one or zero. Compromise is out of the question.

This is the reason why I believe democracy won't work in our country. There are too many conflicting interests at play. Not to mention the fact that we Filipinos tend to abuse our God-given rights. Our sense of justice, freedom and democracy are all misappropriated to justify our own selfish ends. This is why we do not prosper. Here comes a leader with strong political will, doing the dirty yet necessary job of house cleaning, and the bloody idiots start screaming human rights!

You can't also trust the people - meaning the majority - to be able to intellectually discern what's good for the country. It doesn't always mean that when the people speak they're always right.

Just look at what happened to us for decades. We chose all of our past presidents and we were wrong most of the time. It's a hit or miss thing - a seemingly endless journey of political experimentation. At the outset, we get the feeling we're right, until we're proven wrong just like what happened after EDSA 1. I'm not saying Marcos was all good. I'm just saying we should have known better. Duterte's presidency was more of a tsamba - a stroke of luck. If he did not run, who and what could have been our options?

What we need in this country is an exceptionally strong leader with an iron fist, since it is obvious that we are incapable of governing ourselves properly, especially if we have spineless leaders at the helm. You cannot put the blame on the population since a lot of us are truly impoverished - economically and intellectually. America prefers to keep us that way. They gave us an illusory type of freedom, more superficial than real. Duterte is right. The first step we must take if we want to be truly free is to break away from America. We've lived in their shadow for so long. We think we're free when the truth is we're not.

The United States has controlled all of our past presidents except for two, and they weren't even allowed to finish their term. I'm talking about Magsaysay and Erap. That's why I'm worried about President Duterte. Not only is he a foul-mouthed rogue, he's also a social disruptor and a political influencer. By now, the Americans may have realized that Duterte must be stopped before the entire South East Asian region realizes he's right and decides to break away from them and align with emerging powers like China and Russia.

I believe there's more than meets the eye in Leni's trip to the U.S. Do you think it's just Loida Lewis we're dealing with here? For all we know, Loida is just an instrument, a part of a bigger apparatus. Who do you think is behind Loida?

Make no mistake, there IS a sinister plot to oust President Duterte. Question is, who's behind it? Loida, Leni, Leila, the LP - they are just pawns in a giant, invisible chessboard. They wouldn't even have gotten into power were it not for Uncle Sam. But the Americans are cautious now. It would be far more convenient to take down Digong by assassinating him (easier to pin the blame on the drug lords, the narcopoliticians, the oligarchs, and the disgruntled corrupt). They are careful, however, not to turn the President into a martyr and fan the flames of popular outrage. Considering the present circumstances, it might actually do them more harm than good. So they're exploring other means to unseat him - and vilification is the strategy.

In other countries, they already started portraying the President as a murderous villain, a monster dead set in destroying his own country. But what good would a villain be if there is no hero? No cure to the disease? No alternative? That’s where Leni Robredo comes in.

This, folks, is the REAL conspiracy. It's not just the yellows. It's actually bigger than we think. The yellows are just pawns. Once they serve their purpose they're expendable. Honestly, who the fuck cares about Aquino now? You genuinely think that inept retarded piece of shit is mentally and logistically capable of pulling this off?

No way Kemosabe. Noynoy, for whatever he's worth, has already served his purpose. His time has passed and he will forever go down in history as the most mediocre president the country has ever had - whose weakness, duplicity, and ineptitude spawned the Duterte Era. The guy will be a footnote in history. All these subliminal maneuverings now, I don't think he's the only one behind it. He'll most certainly benefit from it, as it will somehow salvage his tarnished legacy, but he's not exactly gonna be the main beneficiary if Leni becomes President.

So now that we know that Uncle Sam is behind all this, what do we do? Now the stakes are much higher. Even if Trump gets to the White House, what guarantees do we have that he'll be allowed to finish his term? As above, so below. Duterte's and Trump's fate are strangely intertwined.

But at least somehow that'll give the conspirators a run for their money. They wouldn't just be focused on Duterte, they have Trump to take care of as well. But Trump may have an ace up his sleeve. If Putin is indeed backing him, and I'm saying Obama's insinuation may have been right all along, hypothetically, there's another power at play. What Putin is doing now is giving the Americans a taste of their own medicine. They've been pulling the strings in the world stage since... forever, and now the Russians may have upstaged them. The guy wouldn't land number 1 in the Forbes list for nothing.

Indeed, Karma may have caught up with Uncle Sam. But I wouldn't be quick to call this for either side yet. The situation is still very much fluid. Anything, as in anything can practically happen. This shit is way beyond us folks and all we can do now is play our little role in this ballgame - and that is to expose Leni Robredo for the complete fraud that she is so the Yanks wouldn't have a leg to stand on. Believe it or not, Leni is their only hope. Without her, who else can these scheming shits turn to?

Now I'm not saying we should pray for the good Lord to take Leni now so Digong can go unchallenged. History is replete with examples of people dying (whether for an actual cause or by sheer act of nature) and spawning accidental leaders to take their place. When Gandhi died, another Gandhi came to power. Ninoy brought forth Cory. Cory created Noynoy. Jesse gave rise to Leni. Saddam and Gaddafi's demise gave birth to ISIS. It already happened to us several times in the past that's why we have this predicament so why the fuck should we give it to them once again?

So the strategy they chose to take down Duterte is vilification. This is an apt term since they are simply portraying the President as the bad guy when the truth is he's not. We all know that. Do we do the same to Leni?

If you believe that Leni is a saint then that is what we should do. But she is no saint. Far from it, she's a complete and utter fraud. She's pretentious, whereas Duterte is genuine. There is no need for us to vilify her. We just need to expose her for what she truly is – an overly ambitious, hollow and insensitive, mindless pawn. Start telling people the real story - the one that's been kept from them for so long - and simply watch her unravel. Nothing can be more satisfying and rewarding than to see a complete fraud unmasked for the lying, scheming, pretentious usurper that she is. With Leni undone, what else is left for Uncle Sam?

But as it is with her conscious decision to leave the country while her hometown is being torn to shreds by Niña, it seems Leni doesn't need much help after all. She seems to be doing a great job all by herself, and all we can do now is sit back and enjoy the show.

The Americans underestimated Digong and overestimated Leni. The only remaining weapon in their arsenal just turns out to be a worthless dud. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the bitch we call Karma.


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