Killer Instincts

By now, everybody should know our position regarding Atty. Glenn Chong. We were right. Now that Andy Bautista has resigned, he is engineering a shameless campaign to get himself appointed as Mr. Bautista’s replacement, even using popular SocMed influencers to endorse his bid to become COMELEC Chairman.
Back in June this wouldn’t have been a problem for us. But since we stumbled upon a witness who claims he saw Atty. Chong present in a secret bidding of PCOS machines in a private warehouse in Mandaluyong in 2016, and his own responses to a couple of Q and A’s we recently published seemed to sufficiently convince us that he is indeed complicit and is hiding and protecting two Senators who were apparently involved in the cheating, there is absolutely no way we will ever bat for his appointment.
We have exhausted several write-ups exposing his complicity in the COMELEC-Smartmatic Syndicate and we feel that we have said enough so we will just give you time to back read the following articles in case you missed this issue or fell asleep in the noodle house while we were exposing it:
SUPER PCOS, August 13
QUERIES, August 25
A lot of you may doubt us, since Atty. Chong has successfully packaged himself as a crusader for electoral reform and has openly flaunted his support both for the President and the VP-in-waiting, Mr. Bongbong Marcos. He has likewise gathered a lot of supporters to rally behind his just-too-obvious campaign to become COMELEC Chairman (what kind of prospective COMELEC Chair openly flaunts his preference for a particular political candidate?). Now that his campaign and self-promotion is no longer a secret, it has become apparent that he only did so in order to court the support of the DDS and Marcos loyalists so that the people will endorse his bid for the top COMELEC post. Quite crafty and shameless isn’t it?
But really, Mr. Chong, if you think the President is that stupid, to appoint somebody like you who has obvious political motives and shady connections with the COMELEC-Smartmatic Syndicate, with all your pretensions and subterfuge, you really should think twice.
Now that Mr. Bautista has resigned, and a lot of people seem convinced that massive cheating did take place during the last elections, the President should appoint someone who is clearly non-partisan and whose integrity and credibility are beyond reproach. Are we endorsing somebody for this position? No. We trust the President to know what’s best and we trust him wholeheartedly. Besides, we know he’s listening and our instincts have never proven us wrong.
Allow us to give you a few examples:
Right after his successful raid against the Parojinogs in Ozamiz, WAC called for PCI Jovy Espenido’s transfer to Iloilo (EFFECTIVE, July 31). A month later, the President announces his transfer to Iloilo (CONGRATULATIONS IN ADVANCE, August 28). Jed Mabilog flees to Japan and has not returned to the country since.
We likewise published a piece on Jed Mabilog’s mansion (HONORABLE MANSION, August 29). Two days later (UNDER SCRUTINY, August 31), the President orders a lifestyle check on Mabilog and sends NBI personnel to his house.
On September 1 (ILL), we posted a satire of Jed Mabilog in the hospital while he’s in Japan as the NBI was busy scrutinizing his finances and properties in Iloilo. Days later, he announces that he is seeking treatment for Diabetes abroad so he cannot immediately return home (ESCAPE IS THE ONLY ROUTE, September 6).
On August 6 and 7 (ON LEVERAGE PARTS 2 and 3), we mentioned the COMELEC-SMARTMATIC Syndicate while everybody else in social media was busy talking about other stuff. A day later, Patricia Bautista comes out and exposes her husband’s dirty laundry in public.
On August 15 (THE BIGGEST ELECTORAL CRIME OF THE CENTURY PART 1: OF MOLES AND SADO-MASOCHISTS), we mentioned Senator Grace Poe’s involvement in the COMELEC-SMARTMATIC Syndicate’s HOCUS PCOS as we have a witness who claims to have been part of the actual cheating apparatus in 2016. A month later, we see Senator Grace Poe holding a Senate Hearing on fake news, in an apparent attempt to steer the discourse away from the electoral fraud scandal, in order to shield her complicity, as well as that of other Senators.
When a lot of people in social media, pro and anti-Duterte alike, were chastising the President for what happened to Kian De los Santos, we considered it a deliberate act of sabotage and reminded everyone not to jump the bandwagon as the issue was being used as a tool not only to destabilize but to distract (SELECTIVITY, August 20; ENOUGH, August 21). Days later, the circumstances which led to Kian’s death quickly unraveled and it appears that we were right from the get go.
In our article SABOTAGE (September 10) we called for the use of body cameras in all police operations to avoid incidences of overkill and sabotage by erring and corrupt cops. Just a few days ago, the President announces that from now on, the PDEA will be at the forefront of the war against drugs and the PDEA Chief announces that they will be using body cameras in every operation they conduct.
When everyone was saying the same thing about DSWD Secretary Judy Taguiwalo’s rejection by the CA, WAC held a different perspective and published its own take on the matter in an article called ON JUDY TAGUIWALO (August 17). Same thing with Gina Lopez. Weeks later, a statement from the President regarding Ms. Taguiwalo confirmed our analysis.
With uncanny precision, we likewise predicted the rejection of Ka Paeng Mariano as Agrarian Reform Secretary (same article, ON JUDY TAGUIWALO). An earlier commentary on the left (NO EASY PEACE, July 25) seemed to confirm the pretext for his non-confirmation.
In August 29 (A CLEAR CONFLICT OF INTEREST), we called for the removal of DICT Secretary Rodolfo Salalima due to conflict of interest. Weeks later, he resigned. Later, the President revealed that he asked Salalima to step down. The reason? Conflict of interest.
In two consecutive articles called CONTENDERS, published in September 11 and 12, we talked about potential presidential contenders in 2022 and expressed our preference for a BBM-Sara Duterte tandem. Weeks later, the two are seen together in public.
In an article called A HISTORY OF FRAUD, published September 6, we likewise predicted Bautista’s resignation and impending impeachment. Then The House Committee on Justice voted to dismiss Bautista’s impeachment complaint. Andy announced that he will not resign. We cried foul and pinned the blame on Rudy Farinas, since he controlled majority of the congressmen and is apparently against BBM. A few days ago, Congress reversed its previous decision and proceeded to impeach Bautista. In a preemptive move, Andy Bautista resigns. It seems we weren’t wrong after all.
In the same article, A HISTORY OF FRAUD, we already mentioned that the reason Atty. Glenn Chong was openly flaunting his “support” for BBM and the President is because he’s angling to become COMELEC Chairman. Fast forward to the present, a month later, it appears we’re right once again.
In an August 25 article we published called LONG OVERDUE, we talked about congressional hearings being used as venues for political grandstanding and diverting the discourse in aid of destabilization and declared that Congress has outlived its purpose and must therefore be dispensed with. For the first time, we declared that a revolutionary government just might be the solution. Now, President Duterte threatens to do just that to put an end to these seemingly incessant destabilization attempts by both the Communists and the yellow opposition.
So, are we going to rain on Glenn Chong’s parade and counter his shameless and deliberately engineered moves to get himself appointed as COMELEC Chair by the President now that Andy Bautista has resigned?
No. Let him be.
We honestly doubt if the President is going to appoint him anyway. And if the above precedents are not enough to convince you that our killer instincts have never proven us wrong, better think again.
WAC does not speculate. WAC knows.
P.S. In case you are having trouble mining these articles from our Facebook page and website, all of them are available in the digital version of our upcoming book, BURY YOURSELF AND RUN FOR COVER, all carefully curated with graphics in printable MS Word format. Send us an email or a private message if you want to get an advance digital copy. It will be available starting tomorrow, October 15. Thank you.