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FVR Is A Voice From The Past That Digong Should Just Ignore

FVR represents the past and insists on keeping tradition, expecting Digong to behave by the book. He comes in as a patronizing and meddlesome conservative voice who privileges traditionalism, echoing his sister Leticia Shahani’s view that President Duterte needs to tone down his rhetoric when dealing with the world.

Digong, on the other hand, represents the present, as a radical departure from the usual and the traditional. He hopes to bring us to a future that promises to be different from the past. The President, his uncouth vulgarity notwithstanding, endeavors to liberate us from being in a perpetual battered wife state of mind vis-à-vis the United States, where despite being treated unfairly by it, that we keep being in love with it because we think it loves us back.

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