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The Year of the People

Near the middle of the year just past, Filipinos decided they wanted to see how deep a hole they were in as a nation. They were ready, or so they thought, for the unvarnished, unexpurgated, unadulterated truth.

They chose to leave the Matrix-like confines of the Yellow fantasyland, as offered whole and entire by the cardboard-cutout designated heir, and the simulacra being presented as pseudo-alternatives to them by the other, similarly Yellow-infected choices. They picked the one candidate who offered a real break from continuing on as before.

They sought answers and action after six years of unceasing propaganda and benign neglect. They contemplated the abyss and jumped right in with merry abandon.

Their so-called betters were shocked, to say the least. Half a year later, those who think they know what’s best for everyone are still walking around in a zombie-like daze of defeat-in-denial.

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