Buying Tranquility

How long can silence be bought? It seems that VP Leni's last remaining recourse out of her self-inflicted predicament is buying the peace of the major mainstream media outlets that have had an enduring love affair with her ever since she came into the national spotlight.
Why and how these media outlets can choose to ignore an explosive topic such as #lenileaks has had its fair share in many heated social media discussions. Angry and curious netizens pointed out that these same media outlets have in the past covered news items so mundane that they may even be deemed unworthy of the given page and time slot.
Now that there's a hot topic that instantly went viral on social media just hours after it leaked, the usually meddlesome and inquisitive media outlets suddenly fell silent. It's as if an invisible cloud went over their heads and commanded them to stop asking questions. These so-called journalists would not shy away from asking the President rude and impertinent questions but now that the Vice-President herself is getting all the heat, they all agree to shut up? How and when did this strange and sudden consensus come about? While this doesn't really come as a surprise, I have to admit, there's something really fishy going on this time.
When Leni Robredo left for the US knowing full well that a Category 4 typhoon was about to hit her hometown, furious netizens called her out for her apparent insensitivity and her misguided sense of priority. For all that it's worth, it was a fair critique. She is, after all, the Vice-President and the people deserve to know where she is and what she's doing. If her office and the media kept posting and covering her mundane activities like riding the bus or walking the farmlands why not give her US trip the same amount of coverage and media attention?

A walk along the rice paddies. Notice that the VP is walking barefooted while the rest of her companions are all wearing shoes or slippers. WTF? If you see nothing wrong with this picture then there's something seriously wrong with you. Leni and her PR advisers seem to think we're a bunch of mindless buffoons.
Yet there was more than meets the eye in Leni's recent US trip [Collective: A Bitch called Karma]. What was peddled to us by the OVP and the mainstream media as a long-planned vacation and family reunion turns out to be anything but. The recent #lenileaks exposé revealed that there's a far sinister reason behind Leni's secret and unpublicized visit to the US. The leaked message documents of a group called Global Filipino Diaspora Council (GFDC) give us undeniable proof of a plot being hatched by some rich and influential foreign-based personalities in which Leni Robredo would appear to be the principal beneficiary [Collective: Incontrovertible Stupidity] .
Pedestrian events like ribbon-cuttings and barefooted walks in rice paddies are deemed newsworthy while a plot to oust a popularly elected president is not? You got to be fucking kidding me.
Now let's cut right to the chase and start calling a spade a spade.
How much do you fuckers get for keeping your mouths shut? And for how long?
Given what's at stake here, I'd assume you wouldn't be doing this for some loose change.
Now if I were to get paid millions of bucks just for shutting my trap, I'd gladly leave my day job any given time and join your profession.