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Goodbye De Lima

The giant firecracker that sent General Bato running for cover was hilariously named after Leila De Lima. With the troubles she's facing now, it seems a fitting tribute to the feisty senator who refuses to go silently into the night. If she ever does, you can rest assured she goes out with a bang - in classic De Lima fashion. It is likewise a testament to the undeniable creativity of Pinoys. Seriously, whoever thought of this deserves no less than a Presidential Citation.

Too bad that Chief Bato had to ban the actual firecrackers though, as the gigantic fuckers are quite literally improvised explosives that can blow you up to kingdom come. They constitute a danger to society, much like De Lima herself, and must be taken out immediately.

De Lima's continued presence is a threat to humanity, yet unlike the explosives, she still goes around giving speeches and providing media interviews. I am not sure whether she was born like this or the difficult challenges of her office gave her the unique facility to develop an exceptionally thick hide. She brands the President as a murderous psychopath while refusing to admit to the fact that she is a DOL - a Dirty Old Lady who took sexual advantage of her drivers and bodyguards and used her position as leverage [Collective: Umbrella in a Shitsorm]. Truly, the level of her perversion and depravity is unparalleled in Philippine political history. Yet she brands herself as some kind of conscientious leader guiding the country's moral compass.

The hypocrisy is definitely strong in Leila De Lima. Even the firecracker shriveled in shame.

As the old saying goes, "Birds of the same feather flock together." So if De Lima is a shameless hypocrite, then so are her friends and allies. Vice-President Leni Robredo and the senators of the Liberal Party do not seem to find anything wrong in defending her, despite strong evidence of her wanton corruption and criminality. The mere fact that drugs proliferated in the national penitentiary during her stint as Justice Secretary is enough proof of her complicity. Yet her allies in the Daang Matuwid (Straight Path) are blind to this, even going as far as calling her a principled advocate of human rights and an unfortunate victim of political persecution.

Whose rights are she advocating? I don't exactly recall her raising a howl when poor innocent victims were murdered and raped by drug-addled criminals. I don't remember her complaining either when her thieving allies stole the billions of funds given by other countries to aid the poor victims of Typhoon Yolanda.

Now when Rodrigo Duterte started delivering on his campaign promise by dealing with these criminals and drug addicts, as he had consistently done ever since he was mayor of Davao, De Lima starts whining and calls it foul?

Truly, Leila De Lima is a defender of human rights - not the rights of the peace-loving majority, but that of the drug lords, addicts and criminals she swore to defend until her very last breath. The same ilk who financed her senatorial run, who fueled her insatiable thirst for power and gave her millions so she can afford to sexually exploit her subordinates. They are human beings, indeed. Not just the kind we'd be particularly proud of.

If I ever have a New Year's wish it is this: That 2016 would be the last time I ever see Leila De Lima. Like the giant triangular firecracker that scared the living shit out of the Rock and sent him scrambling for cover, the country would undoubtedly be much safer and infinitely more livable without her in sight.

Hello 2017. Goodbye Leila.


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