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There is an on going rage in social media now where highly intelligent, decent but true blue cowards hiding under anonymity in yellow sponsored pages incessantly deride, mock and belittle ordinary citizens with lame labels.

These elitists behind underwhelming FB pages like Juan Nationalist, Silent No More, Superficial Gazette of the Philippines and other similar weakling pages all have the bravado to post nasty stuff yet they do not have the audacity to reveal themselves.

They easily throw or spew labels to people in general, such as "tards" "bots" and "trolls."

They are so secure in their belief in themselves as patriots or warriors for the country, but just one glance at their benefactors and leaders, and we all know how miserable and inept they really are.

Even the significant help being rendered to them by the oligarchy controlled media cannot seem to make a dent on their hapless effort to win over the majority of Filipinos to their side.

The thing is, they mirror their leadership brass in lacking the very one thing that is needed to win in a battle of heart, mind and spirit ---


As intelligent and as decent as they are, they seem to have feeble minds when it comes to strategy when they consistently reduce the discourse and resort to memes and labels.

So they call those whom they can't argue with coherently as TROLLS.

I was one of those labelled as a troll. I don't mind really. In fact, I welcome it in the same way that I have no illusion whatsoever of my significance in this deceptive war of worth.

Clearly I am a speck. I am just a particle inside a dominion of 16 million plus Filipinos who want genuine change and are seeing that it is now within our realm.

I am nothing on my own. But I do have a voice. And the empowerment to translate that voice into written words to express my innermost thoughts on our motherland.

As do others. Singularly I am insignificant. But with the other voices, especially those who are more profound and more lucid than me, ours is the authentic power of the people.

Yes we are authentic. We have names. We can show off our faces.

I live in Grace Park Caloocan. I am a father to four daughters and a grand father of two adorable little men -- Marco, age 3 years old and Mateo, age 7 months.

If I am a troll, so are these two grandkids of mine.

They are the TROLLS who are the embodiment of what this nation can be.

They are the TROLLS of professionals like doctors, engineers, architects who desire to see this country leap into modernity and progress.

They are the TROLLS of OFWs who toil endlessly in foreign lands and whose personal lives have to be ironically severely disrupted in order to keep their families intact and well.

They are the TROLLS of businessmen, financiers, investors, inventors and trailblazers, whose passion in making and creating something out of nothing needed only to be encouraged and played in a level field but who can only shake their heads in disgust over harassment and red tape.

They are the TROLLS of farmers, fisherfolks and people in the outskirts who simply want peace and the simple joys of laid back living and community gathering.

They are the TROLLS who will one day be young adults who want to worry more about love and life in general than worry about being late for work because of poor infrastructure and urban decay.

They are the TROLLS of historians, literalists, artists, artisans, craftsmen, pageant queens, sportsmen and others who give a vivid portrait of our rich heritage, paint our beautiful landscape, and carry our proud colors but who are taken for granted and left to fend for themselves.

They are the TROLLS of soldiers, policemen, teachers and other well meaning government officials and public servants, who can only aspire for a clean, honest, transparent and efficient bureacracy but who are saddled and burdened with corruption and traditional politics.

They are the TROLLS of drivers, vendors, carpenters, masons, fastfood staff, kargadors, utility, security guards, mall workers, and the others who make up majority of our work force, and who only wants decency and respect in their work environment but who were ignored and actually abused.

So there you have it.

Marco and Mateo represent the TROLLS of this country not because their grand dad was labelled a Troll but because they are the ones who are worth fighting for.

They are the TROLLS who need to see what we did not, who should get what we did not, who should be given all the opportunities to live in a community and society where fear is a myth and peace and progress are real and felt daily.

Marco and Mateo are the real TROLLS whom I have pledged and committed to give my every all, notwithstanding the lame efforts of those who just want this country for themselves to misuse and abuse.

Because not only are they my life, but because Marco and Mateo and the rest of the TROLLS like them ARE THE FUTURE OF THIS NATION...

This post was taken from Mark Lopez' Facebook page. Click on above image to access his page directly.



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