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I will not let you define us. You call us destructive and we will be Shiva both creator and destroyer. You call us trolls and we will own it and wax poetic while you squirm over truths you cannot deny. You call us haters, and we will define it as the hate for evil that makes all good possible. You define us in dichotomies of good and evil and we will be the shades of gray that will evade your definition.

Watch your world as it crumbles apart, it is no longer your playground. Evolve or fade into your wallpaper of bitterness.

Note: This is not an article. This is a post taken from the Facebook page of Atty. Trixie Cruz-Angeles, proof that brevity isn't always without substance. Thank you Atty. Trixie for allowing us to publish and share your exquisitely written thoughts here at Collective. It's an honor to have you on our side in this struggle.

Click on above image to link to Atty. Trixie's FB page.


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