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Leni's PR team is at it again. The latest serving, ladies and gentlemen, from Boracay Mansion is that Her Excellency the esteemed Vice-President of the Republic was not invited to the Miss Universe Coronation.

Truly, could anything be more shameless and undignified?

There are a million important and pressing problems to solve yet Leni still has the temerity to publicly gripe about not being invited to a fucking pageant?

Totally Inconceivable.

Make no mistake, Leni's insatiable appetite for social climbing has now officially gone to a universal, intergalactic level. She seems to have overtaken even Kris Aquino insofar as attention-seeking is concerned.

Where was she when the typhoon struck?

That's the difference between Rody and Leni. Digong simply detests any kind of validation while Leni hungers for it like her life depended on it. She seems to want to be present in every social event and gathering in the universe except in her hometown when a Category 4 typhoon struck. As clearly shown by her failure to come back despite calls for her presence, she preferred the glamorous comfort of the United States over her poor, "madungis" and wretched constituents.

Now we at Collective happened to have just the perfect solution for this. Why don't we send Her Excellency an invite to every social gathering there is in the planet? That way she wouldn't find the need to complain about anything ever. The only way to deal with cheap social climbers like Leni is for us to give her enough publicity and attention to choke on. Never mind that her countrymen are in need of much needed love and care from government officials, the new rai·son d'ê·tre (reason for our existence) folks is to please Leni.

Forget the homeless. Forget the stupid Yolanda victims. Forget the families of the fallen SAF. Forget the poor and helpless schmucks who are preyed upon by the criminals and drug addicts. They can all go to hell.

Doesn't matter whether it's a super engrande event or you're inaugurating a pig sty, an invite MUST be sent. And don't forget the cameras! No social function can ever be as complete without the necessary publicity. If anybody's publishing anything, as in anything, whether it's a missalette, a newsletter, or a school yearbook, make sure she's on the freaking cover! She'll love it folks. That much is certain.

Now if she still has something to complain about after all this attention, why don't we send her as our delegate to next year's Miss Universe pageant!

Anybody who disagrees and says otherwise can eat their shit and die young.



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