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Statute of Liberty

"Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech"

-- Benjamin Franklin

So there is this on going Trillanesque attempt to bring down FB pages of mostly pro-administration supporters apparently in a feverishly desperate attempt to neutralize its massive support.

This only proves that they really can't win over the people with their own distorted and dumb ideals so the next best thing is, ironically, to kill the very democracy that supposedly is their bastion.

But here's the thing --- the way to suppress genuine patriotism and nationalism is to present yourself not as a burden or a crown of thorns to the citizens.

The way to an ordinary Filipino's heart is not in making him dumb or in abusing his patience, it is in serving him and ensuring that his welfare and interest are paramount to your personal ambition and quest for power and glory.

You don't need to hire hackers or waste significant money on SocMed Farms just to disrupt our activism, you only need to serve us well and see to it that we can realize our aim of having a peaceful and progressive Philippines.

You don't suppress. You impress!

You don't take our country down. You elevate it to higher ground.

You don't resort to cowardly campaigns. You bravely confront our issues on poverty, hunger, jobs, infrastructure, economy and over all well-being and quality of life.

Really, it's not rocket science nor is it a new age thinking.

It only requires a pure heart and a sincere love for the the Motherland!

Gets nyo?

This post was taken from Mark Lopez' Facebook page. Click on above image to link there.



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