
Argosino and Robles should both go to jail for three reasons:
1. For being corrupt. 2. For being such STUPID corrupt idiots and
3. For thinking that the Filipino people are just as stupid to actually believe their story, which is too inane and preposterous it simply defies all logic and common sense.
The benchmark for stealing, taking bribes and plundering without getting caught is Tabako.
He is the gold standard that all budding thieves like Argosino and Robles must aspire to.
The yellows should come in second, but considering that they'll all land in jail pretty soon, we suppose that disqualifies them from making the cut.
That makes Fidel V. Ramos the reigning undefeated champion.
P.S. It's just strange that everybody else seemed to have spent some time in the slammer except for this guy. Even Enrile got a taste of confinement. You gotta hand it to him though. Tabako took to stealing billions and turned it into an art form. Not just the stealing part, the getting away part was likewise executed flawlessly and masterfully. Ramos is a virtuoso. Artful thievishness at its finest.