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7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000

That ominous number has been quoted ad nauseam by LP pundits as if it has been validated. Ask them to break that number down, none of them can substantiate that all 7,000 died as a result of the police operations.

Yet that number persists. It circulates in social media.

People quote it. People believe it.

I've asked people to break it down. They couldn't.

People behind the misinformation of the 7000 EJK are hoping to create a compelling force simply by mere unchallenged repetition.

A lie told often enough, a lie left unchallenged assumes the audacity of truth.

Conversely, an offensive truth is made no less true simply because you find it offensive. It may be unpalatable, but its unacceptability in no way affects its veracity.

7,000? Break it down please.

This post was taken from Bryan Ng Co's Facebook page. Click on above image to follow him.


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