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Remembering Mamasapano

Mamasapano reminds me that I have the great fortune of being friends with living, breathing heroes. They take responsibility for their men. They take the hit for bad calls. They share accolades. I know men who led their men and placed them in harm's way. But took the risks their men took. They led them in and then led them out. And if there were dead and dying they would go back because no one gets left behind.

And inevitably, I think, there used to be a guy, sitting in Malacañang who played with guns. Read field manuals. Even had the temerity to lecture generals on how to conduct ground operations. He could never be a hero. Nor a statesman. Nor a great leader. He was just a toy soldier, an accidental president, playing with lives.

This post was taken from Atty Trixie Cruz-Angeles' Facebook page. To follow her, click on image above.


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