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Doing Disente

There is a clamor to join the dwindling ranks of the disente crowd. Nothing spells elite quite like veritable nonexistence. Nobodies, and I mean this in every possible permutation and incarnation of the word, from has-beens to wanna-bes all the way to the nameless, faceless, unknown, unacknowledged or unnoticed perpetrators of badly written posts and sadly crafted memes are queuing up to be in with their deluded notion of "in."

The qualifications are simple enough.

1) Be vapid and vacuous in life and in writing. If you hope to be in with the "disente," wit, logic and creativity are out.

2) Always use ad hominem arguments. The more libelous your statement, the better your chances of being called "disente."

3) Be ugly or anonymous. Or, be both.

4) Attack then block. This is a requisite skill in all "disente" members. You should never allow the victims of your attacks to get a word in or your out.

5) Lie. This may be tricky so just mimic mainstream media.

6) Above all else, be anti-Duterte. The penultimate and quintessential "disente" hates the fall of the oligarchy and narco-politics. So, this is a non-negotiable.

Once you have manifested these symptoms and they have begun to metastasize in you, you can then proudly call yourself "disente." You have then moved from being a nobody to nothing.

Congratulations and condolences.

(This malignant but close to extinct group called "disente" are slowly being contained by the Duterte vaccine. So, for those hoping to make it in before it becomes a benign and insignificant wisp in society, hurry.)

This post was taken from Rocky Gonzales' Facebook page. To follow him, click above image.



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