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These pictures sum up what have kept this country in the backwater for so long. Politicians who are unfit to govern fawning over men who imagine themselves stewards not only of our souls but our bodies as well.

Governments are best run the secular way. The constitution is explicit about the separation of the church and state. But when you have a leader (or one who is aspiring to lead) who is obsequious before the religious, it does not bode well at all.

What a relief that we have a president who shows he is not beholden to anyone, including these bishops who mouth "Extrajudicial killing!" like it is gospel truth. And that he does not let these men in funny dresses stymie his health initiatives like the RH Bill. (Yooohooo, Supreme Court, kumusta na ang TRO?)

This post was taken from Dr. Ethel Pineda's Facebook page. To follow her, click on above image.


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