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Understanding Federalism

God has given us a gift, a president that truly loves his country and his fellow man, this is a once in a lifetime president.

Even if 6 years is such a short time to fix such a broken country, if we work together we can. But how do we keep from falling back into that hole when he's gone?

He wants to leave us with his legacy, a legacy that will be felt by our children and our children's children. He wants to leave us with Federalism. Let's support the shift from Unilateral to Federalism and let his love for the Philippines extend beyond his lifetime and for generations to come. Let us all push for Federalism, the welfare of our children depend on it.

Let's cut the stranglehold of the vile yellow vermin. They will try to move heaven and earth to keep us from shifting to Federalism because they will lose their power. But we will not let them. Let us give our children hope for the future. They've deprived us of hope for far too long. Their abuse ends here and ends now.

This post was taken from the Facebook page of Jovybev Aquino. To follow him, click above image.


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