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Eyes on the Prize

For too long we have searched for redemption, for change. EDSA was supposed to be the crossroads. We were going to have a democracy that was for every Filipino. But from the drunken haze of happiness of February 25, we sat in sightless stupor for 31 years. We allowed our hopes for the future grow sick and pale.

It was complacency for some and greed for others. Everyone sauntering aimlessly with their eyes closed. Moving somewhere but ultimately nowhere. Moving yet still in place.

The children of EDSA are now men and women. Their vision blurred by decades of desultory destiny. So they wait.

Today, a man with vision has come. He is showing us a future we thought we'd lost. There in the distance where it has been waiting all along is the prize-a great sovereign nation for every Filipino. All we need to do is walk with him. Keep moving with our eyes on the prize.

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