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A Man to Trust

President Duterte started his administration on the ground not just running but sprinting.

Major positive overhauls and treatments were immediately implemented to our ailing national government.

He has been firm without being despotic and tender without being weak.

He has answered his mandate without overstepping the boundaries of the law.

Even in exigencies, he waits for the proper agencies and branches of government to grant him the necessary leeway or auxiliary powers to extend his control over any situation.

He will not bribe you with pork. That must be rooted on his strong Mindanaoan nature.

In the face of bomb threats and devastation, he has a steady hand in governance and does not wantonly disregard the rights of the people.

So if and when our country needs it as a last resort, a Martial Law under Duterte will be the right choice.

He is a man we can trust.

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