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So I was at a party talking to a lawyer who heard Duterte speak live in front of a big crowd. All the lawyer could talk about was how shocked he was, how aghast he was. The potty mouth. The way other simple Filipinos lapped up everything Duterte said, how they cheered and laughed at his speech. But MOST OF ALL, the lawyer found most unforgivable that Duterte DID NOT WEAR SOCKS with his leather shoes. He was so outraged at this that he brought it up again at another point in the conversation.

Imagine. He did not wear socks with his leather shoes. And he is the President!

Afterwards, I reflected a bit on what kind of man is Duterte and why anyone would not wear socks with their leather shoes. But most of my reflection was on the lawyer and the degree of outrage at the President's fashion faux pax (or fashion choice?)

My mind kept going back to (anti-Dutertite) Walden Bello and his plaintive cry --- where did all the intelligent life form go? Who is worthy enough to debate Duterte's deeds with me, mighty Walden lamented.

I thought, Walden, until your side gets over this infantile hangup of what a president should look and sound like, I believe the unworthy side will always be yours.

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