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So there is this group of once upon a time social media people who decided to publicly support President Rodrigo Duterte.

They were called trolls by the decent civil society groups. They were accused of many things, fake news, fake accounts, irresponsibility and lack of accountability.

But on this fateful day, these bunch of ragtag social media personalities decided to bunch up, personally appear and introduce themselves to the public that have long been following them.

On this day, they sent a challenge to their critics, "Here we are, in person, ready to take on what you have to dish out."

Some have professional news background, most do not. Others are professionals - lawyers, CPAs, executives.

But they all have one thing in common, their love for country, support for the President and the willingness to work for a better Philippines.

To the real trolls out there, those who operate fake accounts, those blogger sororities who think they are God's gift to Philippines journalism, newspaper personalities who believe only they can spout truth, broadcast people who twist words for their agenda, here they are, the Philippine SocMed Rat Patrol, who dare challenge your paradigm and force national betterment into your ever decreasing soul of decency.

Thanks to every single individual in this photo. You do the Filipino people proud.

This post was taken from Ira V. Panganiban's Facebook page #SyetDaPwet. To link to it, click above image.



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