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Circling the Wagons

Perhaps, if the Department of Justice succeeds in jailing Senator Leila De Lima on drug trafficking, bribery and other serious charges soon, it should also throw her Liberal Party colleagues in prison with her. If that happens, I don’t believe you’ll hear a lot of protesting from the public, anyway.

I’m convinced that if the remnants of the LP in the Senate had any sense of propriety left, they would let justice run its course in the case of De Lima, their colleague and famous damsel in distress. But by circling the wagons to protect De Lima in a shameless display of partisanship, the LP senators have not only insulted the entire justice system, they have also shown how much they miss the Aquino-era policy of selective justice.

I don’t recall ever seeing such a pathetic display of party unity ­— which is often a good thing in politics, especially since our politicians often jump from one grouping to another for their personal benefit. But the LP’s show of solidarity for De Lima is being staged for all the wrong reasons and must be called out as the aberration that it really is.

Click on image to continue reading Jojo Robles' full article for the Manila Standard.


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