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Gratitude, Desire, Decorum

Bereshit bara Elokim - In the beginning God created everything.

If we are to go by the Jewish creationary myth, God created man last. He however provided man with what HE thought man would need first. Still, even in the infancy of the universe, havdalah was already apparent in the acts of YVWH.

Conventionally defined as the end of the Sabbath, it is symbolically meant to be celebrated as a demarcation between the sacred and the commonplace, the ordinary.

This demarcation or division is apparent in the Christian and Jewish religions. It comes in the form of a separation of powers between the state's earthly domain and the more spiritual realm of the heavenly God. It is made no less manifest in the universal duality and divide between good and evil; heaven and earth.

This concept of havdalah was arguably present in that primordial moment, as recounted in the use of bereshit.

So you see, on that fateful morning when I awake and was made conscious of the good graces that I have allegedly received from the Office of the Vice President, that according to Jake Miranda "everything unmarked" came from Her Excellency, I'd have to say, gee, thanks, even though it isn't very clear to me as to why I should do so.

Bottled water came from her, the all-beautiful Maria Leonor.

Used clothings and blankets, also from the all-merciful Maria Leonor.

And now, soda water and Coca-Cola are apparently courtesy of the all-beneficent Maria Leonor.

Thank you, oh dear VP Maria Leonor Robredo!

There is a problem with that kind of all-encompassing credit though. Should we also credit you for the earthquake and typhoon?

You see, where Havdalah isn't observed in how one conducts one's affairs, too often, the boundary between what is yours and what isn't yours gets blurred.

Like, what the VPoRP does in acting like she's just as important, if not more so, than the PoRP.

Loida may have been the proverbial snake in the Garden, but VP, oh VP, "to have not, is the beginning of desire!" It is your hunger for more power that puts you on a collision course with your boss.

(Uh no. Her boss isn't god.)

Now I know that everything began with Bereshit; but VP Robredo, if you don't observe Havdalah, and allow your ambitiousness to run amok, you can surely expect everything to go not back to Bereshit, but to shits!

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