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Rise Again

Leni said the Liberal Party will rise again! Hip hip hooray!

Imagine that people -- ineptitude, inefficiency, corruption, apathy, and coward leadership will once again be the norm if indeed they rise and reclaim power.

We will go back again to rampant drug abuse and trade, terrorism and extortion, tanim bala, overshooting MRT carriages, stinky airport toilets, rotten or spoiled relief goods, OFW maltreatment and diaspora, soldiers and special forces sent to deaths, and good luck to us when a mega calamity hits our shores. We also go back to being American lapdogs while China will now be more aggressive and hostile.

Most of all, the elitist and the church will rule once again, which means the dumbing down and the abuse of the ordinary Filipino will be back with a vengeance.

And the fantastic bonus? It's gonna people like Leni, Mar, Korina, Frank, Kiko, Leila, Risa, Bam, Edcel and Sonny Trililing who will lord over government and lead us. Whatta crew!

Yahoo! Can't wait till Feb 25 when the rise will have been completed.

Anybody wants to join? Proven na yan...

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