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Clarion Call

There's a time for Peace and a time for War.

Do we sit idly by and watch the desperate fools make a mockery of our country and the Filipino people?

Do we just watch with mouths agape as they systematically destroy our freedoms of expression?

Do we just accept it as fate when they railroad all the programs that are intended for our benefit?

Do we just shrug our shoulders when our precious votes are stolen from under our noses?

Enough of this! We've suffered way too long under their repression. We've been passive for generations. It's time they feel the anger of a nation. It's time to take back what's ours, our country!

Mag handa na kayo mga salot sa lipunan, you will soon feel our wrath!

THE TIME FOR REVOLUTION IS NEAR! Get ready to defend your president, get ready to defend your country! Wait for the clarion call!

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