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Coups and their Dynamics

We are probably the only country where coups are announced in advance.

But in any case, a review of the dynamics of coups will tell you that this is not the best time to launch one. A huge majority of the people support the President. In fact, people are overwhelmingly optimistic. The economy is strong. The armed forces and the police are happy. And there is no significant external support for regime change, except perhaps from that lady in New York.

And the touted leader is a person who has a track record of launching failed coups.

But actually, it would be good also if one is tried, and as it will surely fail, it will now give a reason for President Duterte to throw the book on all these plotters and their sympathizers for sedition. And that financier can be exposed for helping bring down a foreign government for which she can be prosecuted under US laws.

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