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The Calm before the Storm

There's a storm brewing on the horizon.

No, it's not another Yolanda.

It's puny actually.

And man-made.

Nevertheless, it is intended to wreak havoc. Particularly on the nation's psyche.

They call it a "coup." I call it coitus interruptus.

Just when we are starting to feel good about our country, and ourselves, there are still those whose bitterness remain so arduously strong. They are actually killjoys in the minority but whose noise and idiocy smell so rotten that the stench really bothers our senses.

In a democracy, they are supposed to play the role of the opposition. They are supposed to oppose policies or actions of the government or the current administration, that would have been detrimental to the welfare of the people.

But then again, how will they do that when they are the detrimental ones to begin with? In hindsight, they should be opposing themselves.

In fact, they have been in power for so long, without anything to show for it, so the people acted and booted them out of the highest office in the land. Some of them remain, albeit questionably, but the mandate was clear -- WE DON'T WANT THEM ANYMORE!

Yet they persist. They insist. And they do it by resisting. By not cooperating. By destabilizing.

Right now they don't really oppose issues. They oppose the persons in power. They try to deflect the stink of their governance by scaring us, confusing us, and disparaging the genuine public servants that we have chosen in the first place.

Let me say that again -- they are scaring us and confusing us.

And as puny and as minority they are, they are still powerful but only in terms of resources and chicanery. They are the elitist lot whose greed and lust for power were so abruptly neutered that they are fighting back to regain what they had so good for so long, at the great expense of Juan De la Cruz.

In the coming days, they will use a fortuitous event that has long lost its luster and its charm. They will hijack this event as as their own, even when it is actually the offspring of the power of the people.

The sad reality is that most of the people who went there are no longer the same ones who were hopeful and idealistic.

30 years after, the overwhelming feeling is one of betrayal and disillusionment. EDSA '86 is no longer the dream of peace and progress but the nightmare of corruption and apathy. It is one of the greatest con and one the most brazen swindle in the history of this country.

We were massively duped by these people in 1986, and it is quite disgusting that they are still at it now.

But this time, we know better. Actually, we know more now than before. And with that knowledge, we are far better equipped to confront them, to deflect them, and to fight for the right to our authentic self determination.

Outside of social media, the ordinary Filipino may seem indifferent or unconcerned or distracted by the more pressing needs of the day. They may have already been desensitized by the blatant failure of governments past, especially the last one which was dishonorably dismissed in the last election.

However, this indifference and disinterest by the majority is one telling evidence that those who will participate in the alleged mass action to be undertaken come Feb 25 are all just a bunch of misguided and misdirected misfits who either will be paid to show up, or were compelled by their oligarch, religious, and patriarchal interests.

There will be no genuine spirit of volunteerism, of solidarity and of unity on that fateful day. What we will see is deception, hysteria, and scripted drama that will never achieve the desired impact of rousing the populace to turn its back on the most popular and most liked presidency since Magsaysay.

The Filipino has had enough of the foolishness of this discredited group who wants to reinstate their shamelessly disgusting rule.

So no, there won't be another EDSA people power revolt this February 25. No way!

The revolution has already begun.

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