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The Inquirer will grab every opportunity to put the President down. But everyone knows, then SOJ De Lima embarked on selective prosecution. The charges filed against Revilla and Estrada were meant to take them out of the running for 2016. Even Juan Ponce Enrile, who conducted the Corona Impeachment Trial far better than Hilario Davide ever did at Erap's Impeachment Trial, was taken down. It was the height of political vendetta. It doesn't mean that Liberal Party members were clean given the photos of Drilon and PeNoy himself being in the company of Janet Lim Napoles with her immediate family and herself. At this point, the Yellowtards will latch on any issue just to see what sticks. The greater goal is to oust Duterte.

This was RG San Luis' reaction to an Inquirer Op-Ed entitled Calida's Injustice. To follow RG San Luis on Facebook, click on above image.


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