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What of? This is hardly the first time such strategy has been employed. What did De Lima do in the case of Napoles? Those who aided her were also utilized as witnesses in the cases filed against then Senators Estrada, Revilla and Enrile. Yellowtards have never been known for their objectivity. De Lima is being packaged now as a martyr. A woman Senator up against the most powerful man in the country with a misogynistic streak. Everything about the Yellowtards is their righteous indignation when the shoe is on the other foot. It's very hard picturing De Lima yesterday at the CBCP rally, Walk for Life, standing among the nuns. Is that supposed to clean her image up? It's quite obvious that the Yellowtards have been on an amped up negative campaign against the administration as February 25 draws near. We wonder what surprise they have in store as Villegas keeps on harping about the coming of a new dawn.

This is RG San Luis' reaction to Randy David's article for the Inquirer "Using Criminals as Witnesses."


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