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This image has captured the anguish of a father who has lost a most beloved child. When you see the honesty of his emotions, the grief for the loss of lives and future, all you can do is cry with him. Your heart will invariably be broken.

Authentic public service in the Philippines is a test of courage. The heart is savagely beaten everyday by the tragedy and travesty our country and countrymen endure. All you can do is try. Try viciously to turn the tides. Try to make a dent, a difference in the lives of those who have lost hope and those who have never even dared to hope. So, I salute everyone who has made this sacrifice of living a damned life. A life that is used as payment for the price of the future of others.

Lorraine Marie T. Badoy, I cannot even begin to fathom what it is you are going through and giving up in the service of others.

This is the first time in all the many decades of my existence that I truly believe. That I have faith.

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