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Oligarchic Distractions

Let's take a good look at whatever the hell Trillanes and the idiots at the Laosai Party have been cooking up...

They know they can't and never will succeed in ousting Duterte. The Filipino People's support is just way too strong. The AFP and the PNP (except for the scalawags/rogues) totally support him. There's nothing they can do.

But who said ousting Duterte was their real aim? Let's get real, folks --- it never was their real aim. Ousting Duterte is merely their "stretch goal", their "who knows, it may just work" type of goal. Their REAL GOAL has always been to prevent the constitutional and other structural reforms that Duterte is pursuing from ever seeing the light of day.

Those complaints about so-called "EJK's" and attempts at "rallies" by naïve elitists and brainwashed students have no other purpose than to distract everyone's attention away from focusing on getting the most important tasks that would get the constitutional & structural reforms leading to the removal of all anti-FDI restrictions in the constitution and the shift to a Federal-Parliamentary System implemented.

When Trollanes tried hurling unfounded attacks about Duterte's bank accounts, he knows he can never file a case because he has absolutely no evidence. These are nuisance attacks. The Matobato move (which they tried twice --- first in the Senate and the second time where they suddenly got CNN and other mainstream media outlets to feature the congenital liar in late December) as well as today's Lascañas move are meant not to file any real cases in court (no real evidence exists) but are just meant to distract the Public, the Legislature, and the Administration itself from concentrating on pursuing the much-needed structural and constitutional reforms that Duterte promised during his election campaign.

It is preventing these reforms --- particularly the shift to Federalism, the shift to the Parliamentary System, and most especially the removal of all anti-FDI restrictions in the constitution -- that preoccupies the selfish Philippine Oligarchy and their factotums in the Laosai Party as well as independent operators like that troll Trollanes.

Trillanes, De Lima, the Oligarchy & their factotums in the Laosai Party have been doing what are essentially "Denial of Service" attacks.

Unlike hacking attempts which focus on trying to figure out passwords or find ways to take control over a website, a "Denial of Service" attack aims to overwhelm a website with junk requests in order to keep the website's servers busy so that when legitimate users try to access the site, they get a "Server too busy" message and they can't do anything on the site, rendering the site useless and unable to do what it was meant to do when real and legitimate users try to access it.

This is what Trillanes, De Lima, and the rest of their gang have been trying to do. They know they can't take over the government (they'll try anyway), but what they do keeps Government busy fending off their attacks and defocusing Government from its intention of pursuing the real reforms that President Duterte set out to achieve from the very beginning.

Federalism and the two other structural constitutional reforms -- shifting to the Parliamentary System and the Removal of all anti-FDI restrictions in the constitution are key deliverables that Duterte promised during the campaign. People voted for him because he promised those reforms. But these reforms are opposed by the Monsods, by the Oligarchs, and by many of the people who prefer to keep the lousy status quo.

Let's please make sure that we do not get distracted and defocused from the real task at hand which is to make sure that we get these constitutional reforms happening soon. Let us continue spreading the word on why we need these reforms, and let us remind everyone else about why the Enemies of Reform will continue to throw all kinds of dirt at the current Administration.

These anti-reform idiots really don't care about so-called EJK's or the rights of criminals. They just simply want to do anything that will disrupt the current administration's ability to focus on getting its work done, especially work that has anything to do with finally making those much needed structural constitutional reforms -- (1) removal of all anti-FDI restrictions from the constitution, (2) Federalism, and (3) shifting to the Parliamentary System --- become a reality.

Now you know. Now please spread the word!

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