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De Lima is not a Martyr

Please. Delima is not a matryr. The fact that posh conditions existed in Bilibid during her term, with jacuzzis, concerts and free flow of women, are strong circumstantial evidence that seem to corroborate the drugs related charges and testimonies against her (many from her own former underlings). At the very least, it points to gross incompetence and corruption at the DOJ during her watch.

Recasting her now as some freedom fighter tangling with an authoritarian regime is plain ludicrous. She is fighting to stay out of jail and playing people (including some of the the religious) for fools.

This chorus with Trillanes and Lascanas is just a low boil attempt to isolate the country in the eyes of the international press, for which expensive strategists and PR people have probably been hired. It is fodder for the Western liberal rights people who have convinced themselves that Duterte is a monster.

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