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On Jun Pala's Killing

Jun Pala deserved to die sooner than he did.

A reporter is the last thing Jun Pala was. He was the leader of the mass-murdering Alsa Masa vigilante group, whose abuses in Davao Province is now part of Cory Aquino's legacy to this nation's sorry history.

During his time, Jun Pala salvaged, kidnapped, blackmailed and harassed everyone. Including women and children. The banner for every atrocity: "Wag pamarisan. NPA ako."

And he reigned that way for all of my childhood. Children wondered if their parents and relatives would still come home after work because Jun Pala could kill them, regardless of who or what they were, anytime he liked.

I hated that man. I knew many who died because of Pala and his Alsa Masa. I and a hundred thousand other children wanted him dead. For what it is worth, Lascanas is a liar. He did not kill Jun Pala. We did. No one will pay even 5 centavos to get Pala erased. But everyone would do it for free. And gladly too.

Pala's death was a long-time coming. But it was welcome. It was a relief. It was vindication. We have killed him at last.

Jun Pala deserved to die sooner than he did. And change is happening now because WE killed him. Before he had the chance to kill us all. And I am very glad for it.

Oh and by the way, in his spare time --when he was not murdering farmers -- Jun Pala liked to taunt and leer at the entire Davao Province, in full battle gear with guns, grenades and goons, from the comfort of the sound-proof announcer's booth: Doing Propaganda for the Alsa Masa.

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