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The Goose That Laid The Golden Egg

Once upon a time, there was a mountain and from it sprung forth rich soil and vegetation. The people around it lived happily and were content eating fruits from its trees, catching wildlife to feed their families, the people were happy.

From it also flowed a stream and in this stream, every now and then, this mountain would gift the people with nuggets of gold, the people looked forward to this day when they would scour the streams for that bright and glittering stone. They would sell it down in the city and with this money, they sent their children to school.

But, people in the city started to notice and wondered where all these shiny stones came from. So they followed the villagers through rough terrain, then they saw this beautiful mountain lush with trees and vegetation and all kinds of reptiles, birds, and mammals. They stayed and watched the villagers as they went about their day. That's when they saw them collecting these shiny rocks from the stream. They rushed down back to the city and excitedly called a monster known as the OLIGARCH.

The Oligarch started his terrible machines and brought it to this village, he took a look at the mountain pointed to it and told his men, bring me all the shiny stones from that mountain! the men took his machines and systematically removed layer upon layer of that beautiful mountain until there was nothing left, but a big hole in the ground. The villagers now without a source of food or shelter had no choice but to move to the city and squat on land that was not theirs. They lived horrible lives, they begged for food, they begged for shelter and cried and cried and cried.

The Oligarch having totally erased the mountain, goes back to his ivory tower where once again, he will wait for that call for the next mountain to remove from the face of this world, all for that shiny glittering stone.

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