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Missive for Madame Senator

Dear Madame,

Let me do away with the pleasantries and go right to my point. You, being a person in the legal profession should know that no one is above the law. You once occupied the office whose main function is to ensure that justice is served and not denied nor delayed. But what you did during your tenure as the SOJ was nothing short of a travesty of justice. You, who took an oath to uphold the law and follow the course of justice through its hallowed judicial institutions, threw everything out the window when you defied even the highest court of the land, the Supreme Court. I know many things are going through your mind now because of your impending arrest. So, let me refresh your memory about what you did back then and how you blatantly defied the Justices of the Supreme Court with your sordid “legal maneuvers”.

The Supreme Court back then gave a TRO, which served as a green light for the FPGMA to seek medical treatment abroad. That TRO immediately took effect upon its release, but you would have none of that. In the absence of a criminal charge and warrant of arrest, you dragged FPGMA to jail. You brushed aside the wisdom of the magistrates and you imposed your own interpretation and acted on it in defiance of what justice demanded at that time. The world saw what you did, but for you, Madame, that contemptuous act must be done in order to satisfy your vindictive boss in Malacanang and to bow to the voices of the yellow horde who were crying for the heads of the Arroyos. The yellow minions clapped and cheered for you and you basked in the glory. But what we did not know back then was that behind the title of the SOJ was a person who was willing to be in cahoots with criminals; a person who held the sword of justice in one hand while at the same time held the dagger of treachery in the other.

Was it not during your time, Madame,that the Druglords in Bilibid were having the time of their lives? Was it not your picture that was plastered on the wall of Jaybee Sebastian? Yes, you may say it is not enough for one picture to tie you to him and his trade. But madame, you would agree I am sure that a picture does paint a thousand words, and the words we got out of that picture were not very rosy. Under your supervision as SOJ, Bilibid became a little Las Vegas. Drug trade flourished from within and its tentacles reached every nook and cranny of the country and plagued the citizenry.

I also remember, Madame, that we do have a law against adultery/concubinage (Article 333 and 334 of the revised penal code), but that did not bother you at all when you slept with your driver who is legally married simply because you have needs that must be addressed in the bedroom. You were just overwhelmed by your weakness, and all that could be blamed on the “frailties of a woman”. Besides, you were the SOJ and therefore must not be questioned nor second-guessed about anything pertaining to the dispensation of law and justice, right?

Now fast forward to the present. The tides have changed and we do have a new sheriff in town that hails from the south; one who has a no-nonsense approach in dealing with law-breakers like yourself. Now you find yourself on the receiving end of justice and you realized how uncomfortable that is since you were so used with the comfort, ease, and convenience of getting away with law breaking during the reign of the yellows. Now, the office you once occupied is haunting you, and the new SOJ who wants the law to take its course has become your greatest nemesis. You easily cried persecution when confronted with valid accusations. Being one who practices law, I expect that you would welcome the opportunity to joust it out with your accusers in the court of law so that you will be vindicated and cleared. But you proved me wrong by you crying persecution and trying to evade your day in court by placing hindrances so that the wheels of justice will not roll. Now you are moments away from being shackled. You will now know how it feels to wear the manacles of justice; the justice that you mocked by your acts and the justice that you abused in order to suppress people from the opposite side of the political fence; the justice that you and your ilk have twisted in order to remove the highest magistrate of the land. Now, you are feeling the weight of the nation’s indignation and you shamefully cower in the face of being given a day in court. The former SOJ now reduced to being an accused. Ironic, but that is how it is specially when you betray the trust given to you. You once thought that you were above the law; that the law and justice only apply to your political opponents, but must not be imposed on you. Madame, the circumstance of the present is a vivid reminder that lady justice has her eyes covered as she holds the sword in one hand and the weighing scale on the other. You, Madame, are now being weighed in the balance. If there ever is a time to pray to "saint" Cory, it is now. Pray to "saint" Cory that you will not be found wanting, for that would translate to reclusion perpetua and, based from what I've heard, they don't always serve Saba in Jail. So, face the music, madame, and defend yourself in the proper forum given to you ~ the court of law. Everybody must give an account for his or her acts, and you are not an exemption. Your political opponents whom you jailed have endured the rigors of court battles in order to prove their innocence. You must do likewise and humbly submit to the system. You see, Madame, “what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander”. I am sure you will sorely miss your melodramatic press conferences, but hey, you will be provided with free, standard orange uniforms. I am pretty certain that they will look good on you.



P.S. I will enjoy watching things unfold. Now let me get that popcorn.

This piece was submitted to us by Seth Popoy III. To go to his FB profile, click image above.



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