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The Problem of Media

After the consultation of the PCO on the accreditation of social media bloggers, many self-proclaimed journalists went on a ranting episode saying that social media bloggers are not journalists and are not independent to merit any accreditation.

Let me begin by saying that blogging, in the real sense of the word, is akin to a personal journal. A space in the net where you express your deepest thoughts. It is not supposed to be taken in the same signification as media practice or journalism. However, because of circumstances beyond the control of the social media bloggers, we have been forced to take on the role.

In most developed states, media as ther fourth estate functions in very clear parameters. There are "news presenters" who present the news as is sans any form of bias or prejudice. There are "investigative journalists" whose main concern is to investigate, dig deeper into the issues and come out with a story that may take one side at the expense of the other. Lastly, there are "opinion makers", they are persons of high regard due to their academic or professional achievement, what they have to say is respected and may affect public opinion. Usually, politicians who want a good word usually pay opinion makers and pundits to bolster their chances of getting the votes.

In the Philippines, there are no such parameters. Why? Everyone wants to get paid. So news presenters, investigative journalists and opinion makers are all OPINION MAKERS. In the UK, a man who is killed by the police in a normal checkpoint will be reported by a news presenter as:

Man killed by the police in a checkpoint encounter.

In the Philippines, the news presenter has the wide latitude of interpretation how to present the news, to wit:

Police butchers man in a checkpoint Man brutality killed by police in a checkpoint EJK continues as police kills man in a checkpoint Another drug-related death by the police in a checkpoint

Our media's propensity to editorialize news is the reason why people resort to social media bloggers for information because if someone wants to know the news and you cannot get news without the bias and prejudice, then why not get it from someone who shares you own bias and prejudice.

Social media bloggers are not expected to be independent. Blogs are expressions of our mind and soul. We do not give the news. That is not our job. We blog about what we think is the news. However, when people who are supposed to deliver the news in the manner that is free from bias acts like a blogger and deliver news with his own agenda, that is the reason why ordinary citizens gravitate to the social media bloggers. Not our fault.

And the reason why social media bloggers are accredited and recognized can be simply explained: because journalists and media practitioners forgot to act like journalists and media practitioners and descended to the level of blogger.

Again, not our fault.

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