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Loose Cannon

Giving credit where credit is due, Jim Paredes served diligently as a defender of PNoy. He campaigned with all his heart for Mar Roxas and the Liberal Party. His pronouncements on Twitter and social media supported the Yellow narrative and the Liberal Party line way before Duterte even became president. He continues to do the same today as a member of the opposition. His celebrity status granted him the stature the common citizen did not have. People would have listened to him if he was less arrogant. The Filipino word for it is "hambog."

Jim could have been an effective mouthpiece. Alas, his statements alienated too many Filipinos. The statements he made turned off even fans of his music. I submit, Jim cost Mar Roxas so many votes. The common tao could only take so much of him. He was a liability to the cause he served. No one told him he was a loose cannon.

I am sure he meant well but what he might have thought was witty and fair came across as hambog and condescending to many Filipinos. Sayang.

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