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EDSA's Ending

Imagine that...

On the day that they were supposed to celebrate "democracy, freedom, the end of dictatorship, and the liberation of the Filipino people from greed, corruption and suppression," the best that the yellow group can come up with on EDSA was ---

Jim Paredes and his mental breakdown.

Well done Jim!

Your histrionics has completely boosted the pathetic level of the Liberal Party to a new high.

You have outclassed the entire slate, beating the apathy of Noynoy, the hysteria of Leila, the lunacy of Trillanes, the Philhealth-induced epalism of Risa, the "noted" and sudden condescension of Kiko, and most of all, the TH aura of Leni...

And that folks, is how fittingly the 31 years of EDSA story ends.

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