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Sympathetic Martial Law Trauma

Ever heard of men developing pregnancy symptoms?

Yes. A man having nausea, weight gain, mood swings and bloating when his wife is pregnant. It is called Couvade Syndrome. Look it up.

Otherwise known as "Sympathetic Pregnancy," Couvade Syndrome "most often include minor weight gain, altered hormone levels, morning nausea, and disturbed sleep patterns. In more extreme cases, symptoms can include labor pains, postpartum depression, and nosebleeds. The labor pain symptom is commonly known as sympathy pain." [Wikipedia]

Though many doctors do not recognize this as a real syndrome, these symptoms have been reported to have occurred among men with pregnant wives. It could turn out to be psychosomatic but the pains are real.


Most of the young people in their 30s and 40s today hadn't really experienced the horrors of Marcosian martial law. Like me, they only read about it through history books and the writings of others. However vicariously they may have remembered the experience through the eyes and words of others, they weren't there.

Yet, the fear is real.

Some people call it inherited trauma.

I suspect, like Couvade Syndrome, it is sympathetic fear.

What do you think?

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