Lay Off the Prof

StartFragmentCaloy Cortes and all pro-Leni pages are targeting Professor Antonio Contreras since he is suspected to be the the main person behind WAC.
Professor Contreras is a fighter. He has stated several times in the past and has proven time and again that he does not need to hide behind the cover of anonymity to slug it out with yellow scum. He carries his own weight and does not need WAC to drive his point home. We have not met him in person but we have had the privilege of corresponding with him a few times during the release of the first installment of NagaLeaks.
As much as we would have wished he were part of Team Collective, sadly he is not. But fighting alongside him in the battlefield is enough honor. For that we are thankful.
Professor Contreras is a friend. One of many we have had the privilege of fighting together with here in social media. He is a valuable asset to this struggle. A powerful weapon in the Duterte arsenal.
A fair warning to all you paranoid schmucks at the OVP: Stay the fuck off Antonio Contreras' radar. If something unhealthy happens to him or his family or even his pet dog, we will hold you responsible and descend upon you like a fucking pandemic.
And you will experience first hand the true wrath of the Collective.