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It's proven. No matter which part of the world you create the account, they are capable of taking it down. Which means they're in cahoots with Facebook itself, not just FB Philippines as we were made to believe. And they're stalking us. Spying on our every move. Just minutes after posting the link to the new WAC Global page here in our website they take it down immediately. Again they're asking for IDs. Seriously, how many IDs do we have to fucking give them? As we mentioned earlier, we'll try recovering all the accounts. But things are becoming increasingly futile. A shift towards other platforms is in order.

We've been looking at this alternative platform called Seen Life for quite some time now. It's very similar to FB, the only limitation is that there is no provision to create a page. Guess we'll have to make do with just a profile. The features are very much like what you will see in Facebook, just simpler with less options. We've been reading reviews, and from what we hear it's a lot less invasive and restrictive, no censorship of political views. It's for people who are tired of being spied upon and banned for expressing legitimate political views. In other words, it's for us.

Join us in this transition. The platform may not be perfect but at least it gives us the opportunity to express our views without restriction. We can say whatever the fuck we want without running the risk of getting blocked or banned from accessing our own page. The only catch is that cursing is not allowed. As difficult as it may seem for us, we shall try. Guess we'll just have to be saintly for now.

Register at Seen Life and follow our page. It's as easy as Facebook. Upon registering, please send us an invite so we can add you up as a friend. We can proceed with Project Assembly through this platform, since there is a provision to create a group. We can do this while we integrate the membership platform here in our website, where you can finally enlist and be counted.

Here's the link to our Seen Life profile:

You can also click the above image to link to the page. Thank you.


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