God Help us

StartFragmentIf we were getting bashed non-stop for over a year since getting elected under dubious circumstances and called all sorts of dreadful names like fake, hypocrite, lazy, shameless, useless, homewrecker, liar, cheat... with the huge bulk of the population either wishing us dead or sent off to a faraway planet never to return... all because of things we just couldn't help because it's in our nature, we'd rather just shoot ourselves or jump off a cliff and get it over with. But that's us. Leni Robredo is an entirely different species. Honor and shame are nowhere to be found in her DNA structure. We can keep bashing her all we want. But we have this strange feeling she'll keep coming back for more. In fact, something tells us she's not only impervious to scorn and disdain, she actually craves and hungers for it. And this woman is a heartbeat away from the presidency. God help us all.EndFragment