
This piece is our response to an op-ed article published in Get Real Philippines titled Leni Robredo is Politically Dead, yet the Opposition continue to coddle her.
On point. But if we may add, the main reason why the yellows picked Leni is because no one else wanted to run alongside Mar. Everyone else was turning him down, so they really didn't have much of a choice but to settle with her, even going as far as offering her Php 2 billion just to be Mar's running mate. Sa laki ng nakulimbat nila sa Yolanda funds, 2 billion is a mere drop in the bucket. Loose change compared to what they slid down their pockets.
Not to mention the fact that Mar and Panot had all the goods on Leni and her late husband Jesse, which basically means the offer was something she could not refuse. Now why is it difficult now for them to let go of her?
Because conversely, Leni knows their shit as well. Jesse had been blackmailing and extorting Panot's syndicate from the get go and what happened after he died was Abnoy's idea of containment and damage control (Read Deception 2). They turn Jesse into a hero, engineer Leni's rise, Leni shuts up, Mar gets to be President, the thieving continues, end of story. Now that Leni has unraveled herself in front of the populace, and is proving to be more of a liability to the yellows, we're quite sure Abnot has nothing but regrets for letting her run in the first place. But the die has been cast. They're in this thing together no matter what happens. "Wala nang iwanan," ika nga.
If Leni goes down, so does LP. If LP goes down, so does Leni. They're inseparable now as body and head. Leni cannot refuse them, therefore she has no choice but to do as they command, and they cannot let go of Leni, since that would likewise spell their demise. Besides, there's no one else left they can turn to if Leni goes down. Shitty as it may seem, she is their last remaining ace. They have no choice but to crawl out of this mess together.
Some call this a marriage of convenience. We call it karma.