No Easy Peace

President Duterte's scathing diatribe against Joma Sison and the left is something that is long overdue. Imagine the frustration of talking interminably with a group who understands only the word "take" in a negotiating table where "give and take" is the norm. His cussing pretty much says it all. The pain of working hard at something only to find it a waste of time. He agreed to release its leaders, welcomed them to Malacanang, even appointed a handful of them to the Cabinet. Yet this group of self-entitled dinosaurs who remain tied to an obsolete ideology while refusing to evolve with the times still has the temerity to stab the President in the back, perfidiously attacking policemen and soldiers while everyone is busy fighting terrorists in Marawi, just because their preposterously one-sided demands are not met.
Sison and company are no longer fighting for a cause. Theirs is a shameless group of armed extortionists who have long reduced themselves to banditry. For these people, the "struggle" has been a way of life. Imagine taking the likes of Renato Reyes out of the streets. The poor guy is gonna suffer withdrawal symptoms. For them Rally is life. The 'revolution' feeds their families and buys them apartment units and cars. For professional street protesters like Reyes a day without rally is simply a day without sunshine. They are a mass of blatant contradictions. You hear Reyes chanting "Ibagsak ang imperyalismo ng US!" as you see pictures of him slurping a Coke McFloat like the sun will never shine tomorrow. You hear them constantly harping against the system when as Party List representatives they enjoy the perks of the very system they claim to despise. You see leftists like Etta Rosales, Ronald Llamas and Risa Hontiveros defending a culture of crime and corruption. You see Hontiveros herself lining her pockets with Philhealth funds. The left is a classic example of a group becoming the very disease it promised to cure.
They refuse to adapt to the changing times, cling to the same outdated strategies and chant the same old rhetoric as the economically and intellectually impoverished masses are unknowingly used as leverage for the personal benefit of their aging leadership. Digong should realize by now that there is no talking peace with these people. The reds are an insufferable lot. Peace will only be possible WITHOUT them.
Negotiating for peace with the Communists is like fucking for virginity. It's good that the President tried and expended all efforts to reach out. As he said, he will continue to pursue peace until his 'last day' in power... "believe me, it will not be for want of trying." Nevertheless, it is but a total waste of precious time, resource and energy. A bootless errand. An agonizing exercise in futility.