
Jovy Espenido should do the rounds nationwide. The guy's so effective he shouldn't even be allowed to retire. He should be given an army. He should be given tanks and heavy artillery. He should be given full logistical support.
He doesn't cry on TV and make erring cops do stupid push ups. He doesn't do stupid TV guestings in noontime shows that will turn him into a clown. He doesn't politicize and tolerate epal and drug protecting subordinates under his command.
He fucking waits. And he delivers.
Transfer him to Iloilo first. Then bring this guy to Naga City.
What we have here are billboard posing police commanders who do nothing but dabble in politics and waste time in premature campaigning while the big drug lords are free to roam the streets untouched. All because they are tolerated by a PNP boss who may be spending more time angling and preparing for a political post upon his retirement then doing his job.
Politics and police work should not mix. Political ambition is the death of police duty.
Bring Espenido to Bicol. We shall welcome him with open arms.