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Enough of this #Kian thing. Let the investigation run its course and may those who erred be punished. This tragedy can only have two possible outcomes. If the cops were in the wrong, punish them. If the kid turns out not to be the sweet innocent child he is, then he happens to be just another unfortunate criminal casualty that we should not waste time glorifying.

Why don't we focus on the real issues instead of falling hook line and sinker into the trap conveniently laid down before us by the yellows? We should take control of the discourse and not allow these desperate destabilizers to dictate what should and shouldn't be discussed.

Are we not the majority here? Then why in God's name are we letting them pick the topic and control the discussion? We have been looking at our news feeds and everyone, the yellows and the DDS bloc, are all talking about the same thing, dancing the same tune. Many of us are just parroting what others post, while those who have the capacity to influence a lot of people because of their sizeable following would rather lure themselves willingly into the enemy's playbook by following TradMed's lead instead of dictating the terms.

This a classic case of PR and DIVERSION. The enemy has found a convenient opportunity to divert the issue and we are all gleefully enabling them by following their discourse. We should be the one dictating the issues here because WE are the majority.

They have mainstream media? TradMed is ignoring our issues? So what? We have SocMed. THIS is our kingdom. Our home turf. Our natural terrain. What should we expect from these paid hacks hiding under the pretense of "objective" journalism? We all know they are paid to divert the issues. We all know they are biased. Why are they silent on the cheating? On Leni Robredo's excesses? On the corruption of the past administration? On the deaths of poor innocent victims? They'd rather glorify criminals just to feed their biases and suit their political agenda. Remember, we are the audience. We get to choose the medium. Where would TradMed be if we just choose to ignore them? Would they not suffer a natural death? Or go scrambling for survival like what happened to the Inquirer?

This is a wakeup call to ALL fellow DDS bloggers out there. Let us not lose focus please. WAC has been consistently churning out exposé after exposé about how our votes may have been stolen. THIS HERE IS THE REAL ISSUE. Let us not allow ourselves to be distracted by lesser topics and convenient diversions. No, Andy Bautista isn’t and should not be the lone subject matter here. Andy is just the tip of the ice berg. Even his impeachment will not do anything of particular import. Beneath him is a massive intricate network of operators, protectors and clients with a cast of characters that can rival any epic production of a grand scale. Everyone is involved. That's the reason they are diverting. Why do you think all the senators are chiming in conveniently and singing the Kian tune? Why is there no apparent initiative from Congress to investigate? Because they are mostly all involved in the COMELEC-Smartmatic fiasco. At least 80-90% percent of them if not totally everyone.

And this is the sad thing. Numerically superior as we are, we remain scattered and disorganized. There is no real unity and cohesion amongst us. We are all kingdoms and houses of our own, all scrambling for a share of the spotlight. We are easily drawn into distractions and lured into the enemy's well camouflaged traps. We may think we have the better argument and we're pretty sure we do. We are intellectually superior to them but how can we possibly win the debate when we are dancing to their music? We are following their discourse. Fanning their flames. Playing their game. Why give them that satisfaction?

We should take back what is ours and not be dictated upon by the corrupt minority. We should not let them control us. They thrive on our attention. They feed on our engagement. They are like viruses that get bigger and stronger by invading our blood stream.

We should ignore these distractions. Collectively. People look up to us as influencers. They value our opinions. They listen to us and even admire us, at times sadly, to the point of blind and hollow fanaticism. Let us altogether affirm our collective strength by choosing our own discourses. Individual egos must be set aside. Self-interests must be parked to give way to the greater good. Pandering to audiences will not make us better commentators. It may give us the illusion that we are all knowing, but it only makes us look sufficiently clueless and weak.

Let us all set our sights and train our guns on the real enemy here. Eyes on the prize guys. Eyes on the prize. WAC has started firing the shots and lines have been drawn. The enemy here is not just Leni or the LP. It's the whole fucking system that corrupts the entire country and robs us of our votes.

The line is clear. Things are black and white. There are no safe areas in this fight. No gray areas in between. You can either side with us and force the issue, or you can side with the enemy by dancing their tune.

We are all instruments to our own resurgence. We can likewise be accomplices to our collective demise. It all depends on which side we’re on. It all comes down to ourselves, and the battles we choose.



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