Eyes on The Prize

StartFragmentPeople are asking us why we do not comment much on recent events like the Resorts World Incident and Martial Law in Mindanao.
Well we already said our piece about Martial Law. We fully support it and even wish the President would expand its coverage to the whole country so these fucking destabilizers will think twice before launching another disruption.
Not that we're happy about it but we're glad it happened at a time when Rodrigo Duterte is at the helm, and not some spineless, incompetent twerp like Mar Roxas or Noynoy Aquino. We trust in the President's judgment and we are hopeful and confident that he has what it takes to see us through this crisis.
Having said that, there is nothing more we can add to the discourse. As for the other issues like the RW attack, everybody else is talking about it so similarly, we do not see any need for us to add to the noise. Besides, what good would it do us if we're gonna parrot pretty much what everyone else says? As far as we're concerned, a tragedy such as this can either be viewed as an isolated event caused by a desperate guy who went nuts or a premeditated attempt at diversion, something that the destabilizers are extremely good at. So giving much attention to it is giving the destabilizers exactly what they want.
We're not saying such is the case, we're merely saying that if it is (hypothetically) - then the original intent is to divert - to deviate us from the real issues so that we lose focus. It's a clever ploy. Not much different from what triggered Marawi. Noynoy used it to divert attention from the scandals hounding his administration (have you read Deception 2?), so there is a possibility that they could be using the same tactics to throw us off the scent. Instead of focusing on the culprits - the narco pols, destabilizers, the thieving PDAF legislators, the drug lords - we end up talking incessantly about the "hot issues of the day." If we were Trillanes and company, heck we'll do this every other day or every week if we could.
Disruption is a form of destabilization. It can be an extremely powerful tool in a destabilizer's arsenal (Hello FVR!). This is the reason why we focus so much on Leni. This is not driven by some sort of petty vengeance on our part but by a conscious understanding that Leni Robredo holds the key to ending all these destabilization plots. The LP and its allies (the terrorists, commies, corrupt officials, drug lords and narcopoliticians included) are beefing up their destabilization efforts because Leni stands to be President when Duterte is taken out of the equation. Without Leni to replace Digong, what good would destabilization bring them? Do you think they'd act the same way if Bongbong Marcos is our VP? Fuck no. So they're all joining forces to destabilize government now while Leni is still the VP. They're trying desperately hard as if they're on a tight deadline.
Eyes on the prize guys. Eyes on the prize. You want an end to all this chaos and mayhem? Focus on Leni Robredo.
Without the bitch, these fuckers are nothing.