Narcs Part 2

More images from the Espinosa/Mabilog/Drilon archives:
Images 1 and 2 show the Espinosa family with Pareng Jed:

Images 3 and 4 show the two kumpadres in Kapitana Keith "Dabing" Espinosa's Office in Barangay Monica Blumentritt. Espinosa himself is barangay kagawad here while his wife sits as chairman:

Image 5 shows a Facebook post of Jing in an intimate hug with Kumpareng Mayor Jed:

Images 6 and 7 show us billboards of the Trenas-Mabilog-Espinosa lineup:

Image 8 shows us Mayor Jed's opulent mansion known in Iloilo as the "White House."

Images 9 and 10 show Frank Drilon with Espinosa's wife Dabing:

Images 11 and 12 show us closeup pictures of Jingjing "Bonjing" Espinosa who likes to call himself "No Fear." Espinosa is reportedly incarcerated for murder charges after surrendering in a raid last October. Espinosa is Iloilo drug lord Melvin Odicta's right hand man.

Image 13 shows us Espinosa and Odicta together in a CCTV footage raiding a local radio station in Iloilo. Melvin Odicta Sr. (alias Dragon) is RIP +.