On Espenido

Yes WAC loves Jovy Espenido. You know why? Because he delivers regardless of rank and remuneration. He doesn't do things out of convenience. He's not afraid to take risks. Calculated ones so he ends up standing over the corpse instead of being the one looked down upon.
He may not have finished top of his class in some prestigious police or military academy but at least he's not corrupt. From what we gather he lives in a small house and drives the same beatdown car back home. In Naga we have police generals who graduated with honors and who have master's degrees. These same generals also have grandiose houses and have hundreds of millions stashed away in secret bank accounts under the names of their dummies and relatives, even their mistresses. They spend their time playing golf and hobnobbing with politicians and are also more preoccupied angling for political positions and doing premature campaigning instead of doing their job which is to truly rid the streets of narco scum.
Espenido seems disinterested in politicking as well (we can only hope he stays this way) - as political ambition spells the death of police duty and must never be allowed to mix. He doesn't do what he does out of publicity. Whenever he's being interviewed we don't even understand what he's saying since much of it is in Bisaya.
But he understands the power of symbols. Wherever he's assigned, he goes after the big fish and does not shrivel in fear and allow himself to be co-opted or intimidated. He understands the symbolism of going after the big ones. He knows the power of demonstration all too well. He knows the message it creates.
He does not make demands of his superiors. Wherever he's assigned he follows. He does not bitch around complaining and leveraging what he does for prestige or rank. He is the perfect soldier.
He complements the President and gives everyone hope and faith in our police force. A lot of them have been contaminated and corrupted, yes. But there are still a few like Chief Espenido who cannot be bought, threatened and cowed into submission.
He inspires people. It is not the killing that elicits this but the cleansing that is necessary to protect future generations from the scourge of illegal drugs. Like the President, Chief Espenido will not kill out of satisfaction. But he will not hesitate out of necessity. People are owning up to his fight. When the odds seem hopeless and the enemy seem countless and powerful, figures like Espenido give us a chance that we can actually win this fight.
People who know him say he's a deeply devout man. We have no reason to doubt this. Only those whose faith is strong can ever be this courageous in the face of real danger. Jovy Espenido may not be aware of this, but in his own little way he is slowly making his mark in charting this country's destiny.
Give the guy a promotion. He deserves that much after all he's done. If you don't, it's okay. He doesn't seem to need it anyway to stay effective. But the people are watching Chief Espenido silently in the sidelines. When the right time comes, we'll give him his rightful due.
All he has to do is stay sharp, stay fearless and stay alive. There is much more to accomplish.