We Are Karma

StartFragmentWe can be your former lovers Leni.
We can be one or two of Jesse's concubines.
Or one of his bastard sons.
We can be former business associates your husband swindled when he was still alive.
We can be among your dummies who silently wish you go to jail so we can keep your properties.
We can be one of Gabby's secret multiple personalities and alter egos.
We can be among those you cheated or among those you conveniently trampled upon in your ascent to power.
We can be friends of that duplicitous rumor-mongering wife of your dummy and other bagman Nelson.
We can be the families and kin of the murdered and the disappeared.
Of victims like Emil and Paco.
We can be the boyfriends or the fathers of your husband's mistresses.
Or friends of Bolet's wife.
We are your worst nightmare.
We are Karma.
We are Vendetta.
We are Wrath.EndFragment